Best Web Hosting Help Page – Add a GnuPG Key
GnuPG keys use the “public key approach” to encryption. Messages are sent once they have been encrypted by a public key. The messages can only be decrypted by a private key, held by the intended recipient.
Click the Add a GnuPG Key icon in your Best Web Hosting Control Panel cPanel
To add a GnuPG Key:
Fill in the fields below the Create a New Key heading.
Select the key size from the Key Size drop-down menu.
Click Generate Key.
Make sure to use an appropriate expiration date. The expiration date is defined in years and describes when the key will no longer work; 1 year is the default.
PICK Remember: Use a secure password. A secure password is one that is not a dictionary word and contains upper- and lower-case letters, numbers, and symbols.